
I pride myself in being a lot of things – many of which are contradictory.

I approach life as a constant pursuit of my unique obsessions. Dance. Religion. Data analysis. Doctor Who. Music performance and theory. Philosophy. Brand strategy. Complex Euro-style tabletop games. Star Wars (legacy book series). Agile mindset and methodology. Shakespeare. LEGO. Cooking. Servant Leadership. The ins and outs of commercial insurance. Instructional design. Cosplay & sewing. Psychology.

My constant pursuits of such a variety of disparate topics has resulted in a surprising synthesis and a one-of-a-kind approach to commercial endeavors and relationship building. It allows me to see and “connect dots” which most people do not notice because of a lack of exposure.

Experience: Credentials

I hold a Masters degree in classical voice performance as a lyric tenor. I studied basic graphic design, dabbled in digital special effects & 3d modeling, HTML programming, and game programming concepts before I completed high school. I hold current certifications in data modeling, Agile scrum methodology (as both a Product Owner and ScrumMaster), Kansan System Design, and Brand Gap Strategy & Analysis.

I have spent the past 7 years obsessively studying servant leadership and brand strategy. My primary influences are Simon Sinek (The Infinite Game, Leaders Eat Last), Howard Behar (It’s not about the coffee), L. David Marquet (Turn the ship around, Leadership is Language, Intent-based leadership), Tom Bilyeu (Impact Theory, Impact Theory University), and the writings of Vishen Lakhiani (The Buddha and the Badass, The Code of the Extraordinary Mind), and Chris Do (theFutur).

I’ve followed and practiced methods developed by people such as Wim Hof, Kyle Cease, Joe Dispenza. I have practiced Baptist Christianity, Buddhism, Zen, Hinduism, Wicca. I have lightly studied Shamanism, Druidism, the occult, the Quran, Catholicism.

Motivation: Why Me?

I am not merely relentlessly positive (which I certainly am!) – I am passionate and aggressively driven by a desire to improve the lives of the people around me. I think most business best practices and standard behaviors are straight bullshit, and I’m not afraid to say so.

I’ve been burned all my life by two-faced, predatory, best-intentions leaders who rely on harmful standard business practices to validate their bad behavior.

I don’t want you to become that boss.

I don’t want your people to suffer the way I have.

My life prepared me for this sort of work. It’s literally no surprise, as I review my life, that this is my obsession.

I spent the first 20 years of my life in an increasingly-cultlike offshoot of Christianity. I know first-hand what a wholesale, hypocritical, self-righteous violation of proclaimed value systems and belief systems looks like.

I know from personal experience how someone who claims to believe in wonderful values can turn and viciously destroy an innocent bystander in the name of something supposedly good: that used to be me. I was the self-righteous, poison-spewing a-hole.

I am deeply acquainted with leaders who truly believe they are upholding their value system, while their actions are the very definition of vitriolic hypocrisy, manipulation, and bold-faced intimidation and abuse.

I have worked for many amazing companies which proclaim beautiful values, from Fortune100 American companies to Global industry giants – and found that those companies nearly always fail to extend their values to the lowest employees.

The circle of safety only extends as far as those who truly understand how to empower it. No further. The weakest link in the chain is where the chain breaks, and all those below it are lost.

I’ve been gaslit and had my concerns ignored and deflected by HR teams in F100 companies with dozens of employee workplace accolades. I’ve been retaliated against and held back from promotion for attempting to hold middle managers accountable. I’ve reported concerns to leadership teams in a global, values-based company and had them immediately invalidate my concerns by attacking my character.

I’ve got skin in the game. I’m done sitting idly by and sighing, “Oh if only something could be done.” Because something can be done. And if nobody else will do it, then I shall.

So. Now you know a bit about me.

I’m a big proponent of sharing my frameworks and high-level “how do you do this” for free. You’ll see these things all through my articles and posts. If you want personalized help, well, that’s why I’m here. Reach out to me and let’s chat.